Our Legal Specialists have authored several papers about criminal law and practical advocacy in the Local Court including:
“Agreed Facts & Other Evidence”
“Appeals from the Local Court”
“The De Simoni Principle” (video)
“Dispelling Myths About Section 10”
“Disqualification Removal Orders”
“Drink Driving Defences in NSW”
“Fingerprint Evidence” (video)
“Habitual Traffic Offender Declarations”
“Honest & Reasonable Mistake of Fact” (video)
“How to Amend a Police Facts Sheet” (video)
“How to Withdraw a Guilty Plea”
“Limitation Periods in New South Wales”
“Removal of Driving Disqualification”
“Service of the Police Brief” (video)
“Splitting the Prosecution Case”
“Standard Non-Parole Periods” (video)